Signed in as:
As you welcome us, we want to welcome you and this April we will be in full effect starting with the mulching in the common areas for the community. We will be removing all existing mulch in its entirety before putting in the new mulch. this program will continue through the year with turning over the mulch when needed and coming back over top of all the mulch with a fresh layer towards the end of August or beginning of September. We will also be edging all grass areas that border a paved surface to ensure we have the crispest lines we can have at the beginning of the season to make it easy to maintain that clean look week in and week out this year.
Next, I want to inform you about our "Appreciation Initiation", I want to meet you not only to listen to any advice, critiques, comments, or concerns you may have about your flower beds in the front of the townhomes, but also to answer any questions you may have about the upcoming season. The best way for me to put a face and a name with an address and garden is to meet you right at the spot in question. We can go over any details you may have, or any extras outside of the scope of work already determined that you may want to have taken care of. At the same time, we want to take a few minutes and give each and every Homestead member (Single Family's as well) a FREE garage door maintenance service. We will look over your door and tighten any fasteners, lube, adjust and inspect all applicable parts. Test and inspect the operation of the door to ensure its working safely and efficiently. We'll inspect your weather seal around the entire door to make sure it is to be free of tears or rips. If any parts are needed or recommended, we can address them separately for each homeowner but also be able to save everyone by grouping some parts prices together when applicable as we order our stock materials.
We will remove all old existing mulch just before the beginning of the season (April) and put down new mulch as well as re-top the mulch around the transition of August to September with occasional turning of the mulch where needed from time to time. We will also be edging any grass outlines that border a paved surface when we come through the community for the common areas. If you do not wish to have a free garage door service and want to just fill out the form below and add a picture, that is fine as well just let us know.
If you are and you are interested in a free estimate on any routine lawn maintenance, feel free to give us a shout as well. If there are enough single-family homeowners interested, we would be able to give each of you a lower price when looking at the yards collectively as a whole. Even if you don't use us for those services, we would love to still give you a FREE garage door service and answer any questions you may have.
If you can let us know on which dates you are available in the form below, we can schedule these days to be the most efficient and get to everyone. Single HOA owners too!
Day 2 of Our Appreciation Initiation, I want to meet you not only to listen to any advice, critiques, comments, or concerns you may have abo...
Day 3 of Our Appreciation Initiation, I want to meet you not only to listen to any advice, critiques, comments, or concerns you may have abo...
Day 3 of Our Appreciation Initiation, I want to meet you not only to listen to any advice, critiques, comments, or concerns you may have abo...
-Townhome or COA Member Pricing-
This service of dethatching or vertical cutting the lawn is the most effective way to get your lawn on the right track and keep it thriving. This is the process of removing the thatch buildup that is on the lawn, allowing the turf to open & breathe better. It allows the grass to absorb nutrients and moisture more efficiently. It does this by ensuring that all the moisture is absorbed by the fresh, young blades of grass instead of the thatch. Also standing up all grass that has grown horizontal.
Not as effective as Dethatching or overseeding by power rake, Core aeration uses a manual or motorized lawn aerator machine. It has hollow tines that mechanically remove plugs or cores of soil and thatch from a lawn, leaving the cylindrical, pulled cores laying on the turf. This instantly reduces compaction in the soil. Open holes allow air, fertilizers, and water to reach the roots. Core aeration is great for heavy clay soils and well-established lawns.
This service is for anyone who needs a window screen repaired. Once you let us know that you need 1 or more repaired you can simply have us pick them up on the days we are mowing the lawns. We can repair them within a week and deliver them to you the following week on lawn cutting day. Window screen frames are fixed with standard fiberglass screen mesh. Half windows=$15, Full=$22
Homestead Single Family Home pricing available too!
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